01 Apr '19

Balancing car accessibility and a good environment

door Anne Peeters

‘The question is how can we ensure as many people as possible are able to enjoy smooth, safe motoring, while curbing (environmental) damage? If people have to use their cars less often, they must be offered acceptable alternatives,’ says Joost Kaesemans, Chief Communications Officer with Febiac, the Belgian Federation of the Car and Two-wheeler Industries. ‘How accessible are trains or metro stations for people who do not live within walking or cycling distance? Most train stations in the Vlaamse Rand have ridiculously small and often very unattractive parking facilities. The charges for parking areas at metro station terminals are often so prohibitive that people prefer to stay in their cars and drive through Brussels city centre to get to work’. Kaesemans believes the key factors for ensuring the quality of life in this part of the world include zero-emissions, selfdriving cars and car-sharing.