21 Jan '14

Helping people to stay mobile

door RK
Getting from one place to another is important for people who are old or ill. Staying mobile means socialising more and not becoming lonely. The Mobiliteitscentrale Aangepast Vervoer (an assisted transport helpline) has proved there is a genuine need to offer transport to the mobility-impaired.

Getting from one place to another is important for people who are old or ill. Staying mobile means socialising more and not becoming lonely. After one year, the Mobiliteitscentrale Aangepast Vervoer (MAV – an assisted transport helpline) has proved there is a genuine need to offer transport to the mobility-impaired. ‘80% of the people who telephone us are in the over-60s age group. They are unable to use the bus, train or bus services to pay an urgent visit to a doctor or hospital or reach the shops for something important. The helpline provides information, referring people to assisted transport services’, says the coordinator Luc Van Camp.The helpline's catchment area is being extended to the entire Halle-Vilvoorde district. Dilbeek, Wemmel, Meise, Asse, Grimbergen, Opwijk, Londerzeel and Kapelle-op-den-Bos are to be added in early February and the other municipalities in the district starting from 1 April. (RK, feb 2014)