01 May '23

Living well together

door Liesbeth Bernolet
The need to promote good coexistence is one of the greatest challenges, as municipalities have been increasingly emphasising in recent years.

The Flemish Authorities’ Coexistence Plan is designed to help address this problem. Fifteen municipalities of the Vlaamse Rand ringing Brussels are participating in this initiative. As for what the 24-point Coexistence Plan involves, local authorities in the Rand are obviously focusing on the same kinds of projects. They consider the ‘network’ and ‘Dutch’ themes to be especially important in helping newcomers to find their way in our society. The initiators have submitted projects seeking to bring new residents into contact with culture and sports, create a bridge to education and provide opportunities to practice the Dutch language. The Coexistence Plan is also being implemented in the municipalities with language facilities through the non-profit-making ‘de Rand’ association and its community centres.