20 Dec '13

Platform for an open debate

door RK
Strengthening Flemish and Dutch cultural ties is the aim of deBuren the Flemish-Dutch cultural centre in Brussels. The citybooks are an example of this initiative.

Strengthening Flemish and Dutch cultural ties is the aim of deBuren the Flemish-Dutch cultural centre in Brussels. The citybooks are an example of this initiative. Thanks to this series of literary city portraits 'We are offering a platform for an open-minded debate about cultural, political, scientific and social issues. Curiously enough, the debate culture in Flanders is not as strong as in the Netherlands, although this is gradually changing. There is definitely a lot of interest in it', according to the centre's director, Dorian Van der Brempt. deBuren also has young talent in its sights. The cultural centre's biannual best literary debut prize Het Liegend Konijn offers new poets the opportunity to show the world their early attempts at producing Dutch-language poetry. (RK, jan 2014)