01 Apr '22

Turning tears into pearls

door Nathalie Dirix
Turning tears into pearls is what Guido Belcanto and Naima Joris manage to achieve with their soulful vocal styles. They offer us comfort and a taste of what the art of living is all about.

Belcanto: ‘My music helps to remind people that they are not the only ones feeling lonely from time to time. Sharing your grief is a way of showing them that their feelings are understood. That is the comforting power of music. People come up to me after my concerts to thank me and say: I now have the strength again to cope with my situation. I am not interested in technical perfection but in conveying genuine feelings.’ Joris: ‘A voice cannot lie. In the same way that a face reveals a person’s true intentions, so can the tremors of emotion in an individual’s voice. Some people can sing perfectly but there is still something missing, while others lack vocal technique but they know how to communicate feelings.’