01 Jun '16

To urbanise or not to urbanise?

door Karla Goetvinck
The choice is between an intense development of the area to the north of Brussels or pressing on with the green belt policy of the last 50 years. The first option is being plumped for in a mission statement recently issued by Ruimte Vlaanderen (Spatial Planning Department Flanders).

The basic considerations are the anticipated increase in the size of the population and the current congested mobility. Their vision for the region in 2050 is to have a city with a small town feel, providing low-traffic cores, space for pedestrians and cyclists and an extensive public transportsystem. The planners are keen to create a sustainable Airport City.

These plans are apparently meeting strong resistance. Ministers Joke Schauvliege and Ben Weyts claim the proposals enjoy the supportof only a limited number of officials. The statement is not politically validated and they have no intention of continuing with the urbanisation process.

