01 Apr '21

Bridging the digital divide

door Michaël Bellon
Ten percent of Belgians have no Internet connection at home, a figure rising to 29% for low-income earners.

Eight percent of Belgians never use the Internet, while 32% have poor digital skills. In other words, 40% are at risk of ‘digital exclusion’, a danger rising to 75% for those on low incomes. These are the findings of the VUB and UCL universities’ Digital Inclusion Barometer. Any hope of closing this digital divide is dependent on a number of factors: education, civil society, ICT students’ commitment in practice,… The Flemish Authorities Radicaal Digitaal programme takes the form of a five-year strategy for the development of digital knowledge up to 2024. Bart Somers (Open VLD), Minister for Equal Opportunities, has earmarked €50 million for this purpose, 30 million of which is intended to reach the most disadvantaged people and 20 million for digital skills enhancement.