01 Nov '21

Not made out of steel

door Nathalie Dirix
Any time a crisis erupts, Ine Van Wymersch and Alain Remue are on hand to help out. No, they are not made out of steel, they are only flesh and blood, experiencing the same feelings of determination and plagued by the same kinds of doubts as you and me.

Their hidden strength is derived from the support offered by all the people around them. As a public prosecutor with the Halle-Vilvoorde public prosecutor’s office and head of the missing persons unit, they often have to contend with a great deal of misery and horror. Van Wymersch: We are frequently faced with the dark side of human nature but I never forget that these types of people are in the minority in our society. They are generally individuals who have ended up making the wrong choices in their lives.’ How to break bad news? Remue: ‘It is vital to inform people in an honest and dignified way, face to face. You have to be really sure about the facts you present. I had to learn that for myself by trial and error.’