01 Feb '15

Walk a mile
in someone else's shoes

door Nathalie Dirix
This Metallica fan-cum-art historian hails from Asturias and now lives in Sterrebeek. A fresh start in a foreign country took some getting used to.

‘How do I manage to speak to people? What childcare facilities are available?… So very much to learn.’ But it was a welcome experience. She now feels independent and more self-assured. Ana Llamazares is still keen to learn a lot more about Belgian culture. ‘So interesting. What a rich culture!’ What does she like most about living here? ‘We have learned to see things from a fresh perspective. Things that seem obvious from a Spanish viewpoint may not always seem so clear from a Belgian one. Once you have come to terms with that  you tend to adopt a softer approach towards other people. It is a good idea trying to put yourself in the shoes of another person.’ (RK, feb 2015)

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