
01 Feb '16

Commotion over football stadium
door Luc Vanheerentals

The Ghelamco construction company's plans to build a new national football stadium on what is now the Parking C of the Heizel complex in Strombeek-Bever has caused quite a stir…
01 Feb '16

Number of school places quantified
door Patrick Gijssels

A school infrastructure capacity monitor has been developed by researchers at KU Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven) and the VUB (Free University of Brussels). This instrument is designed to evaluate the primary…
25 Nov '15

Keeping greenhouses in good repair
door RK

Solheide hilltop in Overijse is a haven of peace and quiet. Everything revolves around grape production there. Fourteen of the 18 greenhouses on the site enjoy protected status.…
25 Nov '15

The truth is a lie
door RK

People cycling along the Leuven-Brussels high-speed train line sometimes see him. A thin, grey-pigtailed man on a racing bike, a retro bike or a self-constructed, open reclining bicycle.…
01 Oct '15

‘Investing in renewal and growth’
door Bart Claes

A spectacular level of growth equal to 8.6% during the first seven months of this year is reported by Brussels Airport. The Zaventem-based hub catered for 2.5 million passengers from…
01 Jun '15

‘Saving as many lives as possible’
door Maarten Croes

A treatment for Parkinson's disease has led to a breakthrough in cancer research. A discovery by Pierre Sonveaux from Sterrebeek attracted the attention of the international press last year.
01 May '15

Social employment's continuing importance
door Gerard Hautekeur

‘The level of unemployment in the Halle-Vilvoorde district is fairly low compared with the rest of Flanders but there is a large group of people who find it impossible or very difficult to gain access to the regular labour market', says Jan Creten, from the Halle-Vilvoorde RESOC.
01 Mar '15

From the drawing board to reality
door Gerard Hautekeur

A number of cooperatives from the region have come under the spotlight in previous issues. An increasing number of people are keen to invest in cooperative entities, where the public good is the prime concern rather than profits.
01 Mar '15

‘Constantly reinventing ourselves’
door Joris Herpol

Ring-TV was launched 20 years ago, an anniversary that is definitely worth celebrating, if only in a small way, because producing regional television programmes in our diverse region is no mean feat. Innovation is paramount: new programmes, sets, techniques and ways to keep the viewers tuning in.
01 Nov '14

Municipal cutbacks keenly felt
door Bart Claes

Fewer staff, less investment, extra taxes. The municipal authorities in the Flemish Rand are having to take steps to keep their finances on an even keel. Under the so-called policy and management cycle, the municipalities are required to establish a multiannual planning perspective for the period up
18 Sep '14

A woman in the news
door RK

She is a face familiar to many people owing to the newscast on the Eén television channel and the news report magazine Login on the Canvas channel: 24-year-old Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis from Vilvoorde is one of the youngest faces working for the Flemish radio and television broadcaster, the VRT.
17 Sep '14

‘My new homeland’
door RK

When she came to Belgium with her husband three years ago the move signalled the start of an exciting story for Jutta Schubert. A story of learning to let go and accepting the new. Wezembeek-Oppem is a place where she and her husband have increasingly felt at home over the past few years.
01 Sep '14

Wind in the sails
door Gerard Hautekeur

Ecopower is the focus this month of our Strength of cooperatives series. This cooperative society is set to build four wind turbines in Asse this coming autumn, with the overall capacity to generate environmentally sound electricity to cater for the power requirements of 6.000 households.
20 May '14

Strength of cooperatives
door RK

Cooperative ventures employ over 100 million people, creating more jobs than all the multinationals together. Successful examples can found in this country's agricultural, energy, retail and insurance sectors but Barrez and Jacobs are keen to stress just how many opportunities are still available.
23 Apr '14

Radical choices
door RK

One option is to follow the one you love back to Belgium, where you can sit in your corner full of romantic feelings but wondering what on earth to do with yourself. Or you can take a cue from Verónica Demaría...
22 Apr '14

More funding to fight child poverty
door RK

Nearly one in seven people living in the Halle-Vilvoorde district is living in poverty. The rate is higher than anywhere else in Flanders, where about 10% of the population is classed as poor.
20 Feb '14

More funding for the Rand
door RK

A change to the status of the district has been called for by the Vilvoorde and Halle authorities in recent years. The Regional Development Pact prepared by the Halle-Vilvoorde Regional Social Consultation Committee (RESOC) stresses the need for the Flemish Rand.
22 Jan '14

Repairing things together
door RK

A radio on the blink, a pair of ripped trousers or a lamp that refuses to work. These are the kinds of items we tend to throw away but could be repaired if only we had some help. From a Repair Café, for example.
21 Jan '14

Helping people to stay mobile
door RK

Getting from one place to another is important for people who are old or ill. Staying mobile means socialising more and not becoming lonely. The Mobiliteitscentrale Aangepast Vervoer (an assisted transport helpline) has proved there is a genuine need to offer transport to the mobility-impaired.
21 Nov '13

Familiarity breeds affection
door RK

Chris Ngonge from Cameroon arrived in Belgian as a political refugee all of 15 years ago but he is still amazed about the image Europeans have of Africa. ‘Africa is not only hunger and mud huts.’ He and a bunch of African friends enjoy organising Belgo-African evenings. A fun atmosphere guaranteed.
16 Sep '13

'Call for sustainable local planning'
door RK

The patchwork-like landscape that came into being halfway through the 20th century in the Rand is now out of step with the times. Empty office buildings, an emerging housing crisis and mobility grinding to a halt.
20 Aug '13

Lighthouses and street lamps
door RK

A lighthouse dominates the land and sea, it has to be seen from a long way away and the light has to shine over a wide area. Lighthouses can be relevant in a terrestrial context, in the case of social and cultural matters in and outside Brussels, where perspectives are often too parochial...
21 May '13

Financial shape of the Rand municipalities
door RK

A good many cities and municipalities have been sounding the alarm about their shaky financial status in recent times. They are faced with having less and less money to spend on more and more things.
26 Mar '13

Housing, mobility and a Breughel-style welcome
door RK

Forty-three-year-old Tom Dehaene, the son of a former Belgian prime minister, is one of the two new faces in the recently formed executive council of the Flemish-Brabant province.
25 Feb '13

Virtuoso linguist returns to the fray
door RK

Arthur Gamble from the UK used to teach at the British School in Tervuren. He has long played an active role in local voluntary organisations. In October of last year he fought for the first time in the local elections in Tervuren.
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